
The name Quella was inspired by the German word ‘quelle’, meaning a source or spring.  The word itself embodies the sound of the welling up of something new, fresh and inherently alive.  In true poetry the sound of language is as important, if not more so, than its conceptual meaning.  As the poet Archibald McCleish says,

A poem should be palpable and mute
     As a globed fruit,
  As old medallions to the thumb,
Silent as the sleeve-worn stone
  Of casement ledges where the moss has grown - ….
A poem should not mean, but be.

Eurythmy is born out of the sounds and rhythms of language, out of the mystery of human speech. Through embodying the rhythms, gestures and sounds of the vowels and consonants it invokes the experience of our own life force and connects us directly with our creative source. It awakens a poetic perception of how we inhabit our living human form and move through this living world.

In bringing eurythmy to social situations my focus is on enabling such a poetic perception of the subtle streams and movements that are continuously weaving through and between self and other. I encourage paying close attention to ourselves in movement and dynamic spatial relationship with others, discerning the impact of small shifts in awareness on the living flow of the whole.

I work with communities, learning groups and organisations interested in finding a new '3-dimensional' language, understanding and way of seeing the living relationships that hold all that we do in our work in the world. I strive to awaken a sensibility for the source of our creativity, not out of conceptual ideas, but out of an embodied experience of forming the social substance that arises through our conscious moving together. And so to strengthen our capacity for creatively transforming, and bringing life to, our relationships with each other and the natural world.

"All becomes poetry when we look from within …
because poetry is science, is the breath of the
same spirit by which nature lives. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson