Articles & Readings

"Kissing Joy as it Flies – Entwining Eurythmy and Goethe's 'Delicate Empiricism' – An Exploration and Articulation of a Social Practice as it Emerges" – Liz Smith (2015) A Mini-Dissertation for the Masters in Reflective Social Practice offered by the Proteus Initiative and the London Metropolitan University.

"So What Does Art Have To Do With Development" – Liz Smith (2009) – a piece first written for a CDRA funding proposal.

"Boundaries, Possibilities and Constraints amongst NGOs in South Africa - The Story of an In-depth Conversation, Stanford Valley, June 2008" – Allan Kaplan, Sue Davidoff and Liz Smith (2009) - A booklet written together with Allan Kaplan and Sue Davidoff and published by EED and the Proteus Initiative.

"Moving into Community- - A Phenomenological Approach to Exploring Space and Movement" An account of the Eurythmy at the CDRA Biennial Practice Conference in McGregor, South Africa
8 - 11 May, 2007, written for the CDRA website - Liz Smith (2007).

"Eurythmy in Organisations" - Unpublished paper – Liz Smith (2002}.